前々回にふと気になったのでRxのチェーンがどういう感じなのかなと思ってうんたららみたいな記事を書いたのですが、今度はちゃんとSystem.Reactiveの中身をちらっと読んでいきます。これらのソースコードはApache License, Version 2.0で提供されたものをコピペしたりしています。2,3回に分けて書きます。今回は拡張メソッドの
Select(this IObservable<TSource> source, Func<TSource, TResult> selector)
public static partial class Observable { //〜略〜 public static IObservable<TResult> Select<TSource, TResult>(this IObservable<TSource> source, Func<TSource, TResult> selector) { if (source == null) { throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(source)); } if (selector == null) { throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(selector)); } return s_impl.Select(source, selector); } //〜略〜 }
public static partial class Observable { #pragma warning disable IDE1006 // Naming Styles: 3rd party code is known to reflect for this specific field name private static IQueryLanguage s_impl = QueryServices.GetQueryImpl<IQueryLanguage>(new QueryLanguage()); #pragma warning restore IDE1006 // Naming Styles }
IObservable<TResult> Select<TSource, TResult>(
IObservable<TSource> source,
Func<TSource, TResult> selector);
IObservable<TResult> Select<TSource, TResult>(
IObservable<TSource> source,
Func<TSource, int, TResult> selector);
intがあるやつはindexとかを返すselectorですね。 そんなことより、さっさと具象クラスを探します。
QueryServices.GetQueryImpl<IQueryLanguage>(new QueryLanguage());
internal static class QueryServices { private static readonly IQueryServices Services = Initialize(); public static T GetQueryImpl<T>(T defaultInstance) => Services.Extend(defaultInstance); private static IQueryServices Initialize() { #pragma warning disable CS0618 // Type or member is obsolete return PlatformEnlightenmentProvider.Current.GetService<IQueryServices>() ?? new DefaultQueryServices(); #pragma warning restore CS0618 // Type or member is obsolete } }
Type or member is obsoleteとか書いてあるけどとりあえずスルー。GetQueryImpl()はServices.Extend(defaultInstance)を返しています。ServicesはIQueryServicesで受け止められています。IQueryServicesにはどんな定義がなされているか見てみると、
internal interface IQueryServices { T Extend<T>(T baseImpl); }
[EditorBrowsable(EditorBrowsableState.Never)] public static class PlatformEnlightenmentProvider { private static IPlatformEnlightenmentProvider _current = CreatePlatformProvider(); /// <summary> /// (Infrastructure) Gets the current enlightenment provider. If none is loaded yet, accessing this property triggers provider resolution. /// </summary> /// <remarks> /// This member is used by the Rx infrastructure and not meant for public consumption or implementation. /// </remarks> [Obsolete("This mechanism will be removed in the next major version", false)] public static IPlatformEnlightenmentProvider Current { get { return _current; } set { _current = value ?? throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(value)); } } private static IPlatformEnlightenmentProvider CreatePlatformProvider() => new CurrentPlatformEnlightenmentProvider(); }
CurrentはCreatePlatformProvider()によって作られているそうですね。 呼び出されているCurrentPlatformEnlightenmentProviderクラスに飛びます。
[EditorBrowsable(EditorBrowsableState.Never)] public class CurrentPlatformEnlightenmentProvider : IPlatformEnlightenmentProvider { /// <summary> /// (Infrastructure) Tries to gets the specified service. /// </summary> /// <typeparam name="T">Service type.</typeparam> /// <param name="args";>Optional set of arguments.</param> /// <returns>Service instance or <c>null</c> if not found.</returns> public virtual T GetService<T>(object[] args) where T : class { var t = typeof(T); if (t == typeof(IExceptionServices)) { return (T)(object)new ExceptionServicesImpl(); } #if !NO_THREAD || WINDOWS if (t == typeof(IConcurrencyAbstractionLayer)) { return (T)(object)new ConcurrencyAbstractionLayerImpl(); } #endif if (t == typeof(IScheduler) && args != null) { switch ((string)args[0]) { case "ThreadPool": return (T)(object)ThreadPoolScheduler.Instance; case "TaskPool": return (T)(object)TaskPoolScheduler.Default; case "NewThread": return (T)(object)NewThreadScheduler.Default; } } #if WINDOWS if (t == typeof(IHostLifecycleNotifications)) { return (T)(object)new HostLifecycleNotifications(); } #endif if (t == typeof(IQueryServices)) { // // We perform this Debugger.IsAttached check early rather than deferring // the decision to intercept query operator methods to the debugger // assembly that's dynamically discovered here. Also, it's a reasonable // expectation it'd be pretty hard to turn on interception dynamically // upon a debugger attach event, so we should make this check early. // // In the initial release of v2.0 (RTM), we won't have the corresponding // debugger assembly available yet, so the dynamic load would always // fail. We also don't want to take the price of (an attempt to) a dynamic // assembly load for the regular production case. // if (Debugger.IsAttached) { #if (CRIPPLED_REFLECTION && HAS_WINRT) var ifType = t.GetTypeInfo(); #else var ifType = t; #endif var asm = new AssemblyName(ifType.Assembly.FullName) { Name = "System.Reactive"; }; var name = "System.Reactive.Linq.QueryDebugger," + asm.FullName; var dbg = Type.GetType(name, false); if (dbg != null) { return (T)Activator.CreateInstance(dbg); } } } return null; } }
if (t == typeof(IQueryServices)) { // // We perform this Debugger.IsAttached check early rather than deferring // the decision to intercept query operator methods to the debugger // assembly that's dynamically discovered here. Also, it's a reasonable // expectation it'd be pretty hard to turn on interception dynamically // upon a debugger attach event, so we should make this check early. // // In the initial release of v2.0 (RTM), we won't have the corresponding // debugger assembly available yet, so the dynamic load would always // fail. We also don't want to take the price of (an attempt to) a dynamic // assembly load for the regular production case. // if (Debugger.IsAttached) { #if (CRIPPLED_REFLECTION && HAS_WINRT) var ifType = t.GetTypeInfo(); #else var ifType = t; #endif var asm = new AssemblyName(ifType.Assembly.FullName) { Name = "System.Reactive"; }; var name = "System.Reactive.Linq.QueryDebugger," + asm.FullName; var dbg = Type.GetType(name, false); if (dbg != null) { return (T)Activator.CreateInstance(dbg); } } } return null; }
We perform this Debugger.IsAttached check early rather than deferring the decision to intercept query operator methods to the debugger assembly that's dynamically discovered here. Also, it's a reasonable expectation it'd be pretty hard to turn on interception dynamically upon a debugger attach event, so we should make this check early. In the initial release of v2.0 (RTM), we won't have the corresponding debugger assembly available yet, so the dynamic load would always fail. We also don't want to take the price of (an attempt to) a dynamic assembly load for the regular production case.
デバッガがオペレータを中断するときまで待つのではなく、デバッガがアタッチされているかをみてどうするかを決めていますと。それはデバッガが動的にインターセプションするよう切り替えるのが大変だからだと。たぶんそんな感じ。なので今回はデバッガはアタッチされていないということで(たぶんデバッグ用の工夫がなされていて複雑になっていそうなので)読んでいくこととします。 アセンブリ読みこんでdbg返してるようですが,明らかに追っかけづらい。 興味があるのは実際の挙動なのでシンプルな方がいい。というわけでここまで読んできたのですが、returnはnullらしいので、`class QueryServices`のInitialize関数はDefaultQueryServicesクラスが渡されていることになります。Defaultっていってるし先にこっちから読めばよかったね()
internal sealed class DefaultQueryServices : IQueryServices { public T Extend<T>(T baseImpl) => baseImpl; }
IQueryLanguage s_impl = new QueryLanguage();
遠回りしたのがアホくさくなるくらいにはシンプルになる。ていうか名前から最初から割と明らか感がありますね。。。 QueryLanguageクラス、あちこちに実装が散らばっているのでおっかけづらいですが、とりあえずIQueryLanguageは実装されていることがわかります。なので上記で問題なさそうですね。ではその2で内部で使われているクラスやその役割を見ていきます。